Both atomizers operate at a resistance level of ~1.0ohm, which is perfect for generating slightly warm vapor that's easy on the throat and lungs. You'll still want to be careful though, due to the fact that waxy materials are highly-concentrated and should be used with care.
Atomizer Materials
- Coil-less Ceramic Atomizer
- Made from medical/food-grade Ceramic. This atomizer produces clean, pure vapor flavor without harsh hits (i.e., a mellower experience).
- Heats-up slowly, so you can enjoy the flavor of your material, while getting the benefit of a clean vaporization.
- Single-coil, Silicon Carbide/Aludirome Atomizer
- Rod -> Made from Silicon Carbide (Carborundum), an extremely-durable, naturally-occurring mineral, able to withstand high temperatures and high voltages.
- Wire -> Made of Aludirome, a blend of Iron, Chromium and Aluminum, designed to be antioxidative and withstand high temperatures and high voltages.
- Heats-up very quickly, producing strong clouds of vapor, so be careful and start low-and-slow until you reach the desired effect.
Concentrates Atomizer Useful Life
Depending on your usage frequency, cleaning habits (Q-Tip dipped in 91% Isopropyl alcohol), purity of material that you're atomizing, etc., it's difficult to give an absolute guideline as to when it's time to replace the atomizers. No matter how well you maintain the cleanliness of a wax atomizer, they will eventually produce a harsh, and possibly burnt flavor, which is typical of all concentrate atomizers. Fortunately, we've got you covered with our ZOLO-C Concentrates Atomizer Replacement Kit, which you can find HERE.